The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Page 22
58. Three Guineas, p.9
59. VW to ES, 7/6/38, Letters VI, p.234
60. see Bell II, p.258
61. 12/10/37, Diary V, p.112
62. 4/2/38, Diary V, p.127
63. see Bell II, p.205
64. 12/4/38, Diary V, p.133
65. VW to ES, 11/9/38, see Nicolson’s note, Letters VI, p.270
66. VW to ES, 7/6/38, Letters VI, p.234
67. VB to Julian, 10/10/36, see Marler, p.422
68. 6/7/39, Diary V, p.324
69. LW Autobiog. II, p.376
70. Ibid.
1. 3/9/39, Diary V, p.233
2. VW to ES,. 12/9/39, Letters VI, p.358
3. 7/10/39, Diary V, p.241
4. 3/9/39, Diary V, p.233
5. 2/12/39, Diary V, p.248
6. 9/12/39, Diary V, p.250
7. VW to VSW, 3/12/39, Letters VI, p.373
8. VW to ES, 1/2/40, Letters VI, p.380
9. 19/1/40, Diary V, p.257
10. VW to ES, 1/2/40, Letters VI, p.380
11. 2/2/40, Diary V, p.262
12. 8/2/40, Diary VI, p.264
13. VW to ES, 19/3/40, Letters VI, p.386
14. 7/3/40, Diary V, p.270
15. 20/3/40, Diary V, p.271
16. Ibid.
17. 25/4/40, Diary V, p.281
18. LW Autobiog. II, p.409
19. 13/5/40, Diary V, p.283
20. Ibid.
21. 20/5/40, Diary V, p.258
22. 15/5/40, Diary V, p.284
23. 7/6/40, Diary V, p.292
24. 15/5/40 Diary V, p.284
25. VW to VD, 8/9/40, Letters VI, p.428
26. 15/5/40, Diary V, p.284
27. 12/7/40, Diary V, p.301
28. 16/8/40, Diary V, p.311
29. VW to Ben Nicolson, 24/8/40, Letters VI, p.421
30. 31/8/34, Diary V, p.313
31. 26/7/40, Diary V, p.306
32. VW to Sybil Colefax, 14/8/40, Letters VI, p.415
33. VW to ES, 11/9/40, Letters VI (and Nicolson’s note), p.431
34. 28/7/40, Diary V, p.306
35. VW to VSW, 30/8/40, Letters VI, p.424
36. 2/9/40, Diary V, p.314
37. 5/9/40, Diary V, p.315
38. 20/10/40, Diary V, p.330
39. VW to ES, 11/9/40, Letters VI, p.429
40. VW to ES, 12/9/40, Letters VI, p.430
41. VW to ES, 14/11/40, Letters VI, p.443
42. 5/11/40, Diary V, p.336
43. VW to VSW, 15/11/40, Letters VI, p.445
44. LS to Carrington, see Bell II, p.80
45. 14/9/40, Diary V, p.319
46. 12/10/40, Diary V, p.328
47. 29/9/40, Diary V, p.325
48. 1/11/40, Diary V, p.334
49. 16/12/40, Diary V, p.343
50. 19/12/40, Diary V, p.344
51. VW to ES, 6/12/40, Letters VI, p.449
52. 16/12/40, Diary V, p.343
53. 6/12/40, Diary V, p.342
54. LW Autobiog. II, p.420
55. VW to ES, 12/1/41, Letters VI, p.459
56. Ibid.
57. Wilberforce to Elizabeth Robins, 28/2/41, see Jalland, p.173
58. 29/11/40, Diary V, p.342
59. 16/12/40, Diary V, p.343
60. 24/12/40, Diary V, p.346
61. 22/12/40, Diary V, p.345
62. 15/1/41, Diary V, p.352
63. VW to ES, 1/2/41, Letters VI, p.465
64. 26/2/41, Diary V, p.356
65. 8/3/41, Diary V, p.357
66. 9/1/41, Diary V, p.351
67. Ibid.
68. 26/1/41, Diary V, p.354
69. VW described the three phases to ES, 1/7/30, Letters IV, p.183
70. VW to ES, 1/3/41, Letters VI, p.474
71. LW to M. Llewellyn Davies, 1/9/41, Spotts, p.254
72. Wilberforce to Elizabeth Robins, Dec 40, see Jalland, p.167
73. VW to Wilberforce, 31/12/40, Letters VI, p.456
74. Wilberforce to Elizabeth Robins, 31/1/41, p.172
75. VW to VSW, 19/1/41, Letters VI, p.461
76. VW to Wilberforce, 4/3/41, Letters VI, p.476
77. Wilberforce to Elizabeth Robins, 22/3/41, see Jalland, p.179
78. VW told Lehmann the novel was ‘too silly and trivial’ to publish. VW to John Lehmann, 27/3/41, Letters VI, p.486
79. LW Autobiog. II, p.434
80. Ibid.
81. Wilberforce to Elizabeth Robins, 26/3/41, see Jalland, p.181
82. VW to VB, 23/3/41, Letters VI, p.485
83. VW to LW, 18/3/41, Letters VI, p.481 This is the letter left for LW on the sitting-room table, which he found on 28 March – see Nicolson notes 481, 486
84. see Bell, Elders and Betters, p.126
85. VB to VSW, 22/4/41, see Marler, p.476
86. see Bell, Elders and Betters, p.126
1. VW to OM, 9/10/36, Letters VI, p.76
2. 28/5/31, Diary IV, p.27
3. 4/1/36, Diary V, p.4
4. VW to ES, 1/7/30, Letters IV, p.183
5. VW to ES, 8/8/21, Letters IV, p.183
6. 16/2/30, Diary III, p.287
7. see Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper, vol. I, edited by James King and Charles Ryskamp (Oxford University Press)
8. VW to ES, 16/10/30, Letters IV, p.230
9. 11/2/28, Diary III, p.174
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. 20/1/19, Diary I, p.233
13. see Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up (1936)
14. see William Cowper, Letters and Prose Writings, vol I
15. Diary III, 15/9/26, p.110
16. Diary V, 1/3/37, p.63
17. Ibid.
18. LW Autobiog. vol 2, p.109
19. VW to VD. 22/9/04, Letters I, p.142
20. LW Autobiog. II, p.116
21. Ibid.
22. William Cowper (see above)
23. Styron, p.17
24. VW to Gerald Brenan, 25/12/22, Letters II
25. VW to LW, 18/3/41, Letters VI
26. Hector Berlioz, The Memoirs, Trans. David Cairns, Panther, 1974
27. William Cowper (see above)
28. Charles Lamb to S. T. Coleridge, Letters, 9/6/96
29. Diary II, 9/1/24, p.283
30. VW to Molly MacCarthy, 9/2/26, Letters III, p.272
31. VW to ES, 27/2/30, Letters IV, p.144
32. Diary II, 8/8/21, p.125
33. see Jamison, An Unquiet Mind
34. Isherwood, see Noble, p.217
35. LW Autobiog. II, p.124
36. Bragman, Louis, J. Amer. J. Psychiatry 1137–59, 91, 1935, The Case of John Ruskin, p1151
37. VW to ES, 16/10.30, Letters IV, p.230
38. Ibid.
39. VW to ES, 22/6/30, Letters IV, p.179
40. Rado. B., Int. J. Psychoanalysis, 9 p.420, 1928
Abse, Joan John Ruskin, The Passionate Moralist (Quartet Books, 1980)
Annan, Noel Leslie Stephen (University of Chicago Press, London, 1986)
Bell, Quentin Virginia Woolf: A Biography vols. 1 and 2 (Hogarth Press, 1972) — Elders and Betters (John Murray, 1995)
Caramagno, T. C. The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf’s Art and Manic-Depressive Illness (University of California Press, 1992)
Chissell, Joan Schumann (J. M. Dent & Sons, 1967)
Cowper, William Letters and Prose Writings vol 1 Edited James King and Charles Ryskamp (Oxford University Press 1981)
DeSalvo, Louise Virginia Woolf, The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on her Life and Work (The Woman’s Press, 1989)
Dunn, Jane A Very Close Conspiracy: Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf (Jonathan Cape, 1990)
Garnett, Angelica Deceived with Kindness: A Bloomsbury Childhood (Chatto & Windus, 1995)
Garnett, David Great Friends: Portraits of Seventeen Writers (Macmillan, 1979)
Gérin, Winifred Anne Thackeray Ritchie: A Biography (Oxford Univer
sity Press, 1981)
Glendenning, Victoria Vita: The Life of Vita Sackville-West (Penguin Books, 1983)
Gordon, Lyndall Virginia Woolf: A Writer’s Life (Oxford University Press, 1984)
Holroyd, Michael Lytton Strachey (Chatto & Windus, 1994)
Jalland, Pat Octavia Wilberfoce, The Autobiography of a Pioneer (Cassell, 1989)
Jamieson, Kay Redfield An Unquiet Mind (Free Press, 1993, Picador, 1995) Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (Free Press, 1994)
King, James Virginia Woolf (Penguin Books Ltd, 1994)
Leaska, Mitchell A. The Novels of Virginia Woolf: From Beginning to End (Weidenfeld & Nicolson / The John Jay Press, 1977)
Lee, Hermoine Virginia Woolf (Chatto & Windus, 1996)
Lehmann, John Virginia Woolf and Her World (Thames & Hudson, 1975)
Love, Jean O. Virginia Woolf. Sources of Madness and Art (University of California Press, 1973)
Martin, Robert Bernard Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (Clarendon Press, 1980)
Nicolson, Nigel Portrait of a Marriage (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1992)
Noble, Joan Russell (ed.) Recollections of Virginia Woolf (Wm Morrow & Co/ Cardinal, 1972)
Ostwald, Peter F. Schumann: Music and Madness (Victor Gollancz, 1985)
Rose, Phyllis Woman of Letters, A Life of Virginia Woolf (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978 / OUP–Pandora, 1986)
Showalter, Elaine Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture (Virago Press, 1987)
Skidelsky, Robert John Maynard Keynes, vol. 1 (Macmillan, 1983)
Spalding, Frances Vanessa Bell (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1983; Orion (Phoenix), 1994)
Stephen, James The Memoirs of James Stephen: Written by Himself for the Use of His Children, edited by Merle M. Bevington (Hogarth Press, 1954)
Stephen, Leslie Sir The Mausoleum Book Introduction by Alan Bell (OUP–Clarendon Press, 1977)
Mrs Leslie Stephen, (Julia) Notes from Sick Rooms Notes from Sick Rooms: (Puckerbrook Press, 1880).
Styron, William Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (Jonathan Cape, 1991)
Tomalin, Claire Katherine Mansfield: A Secret Life (Viking, 1987 / Penguin Books, 1988)
Trombley, Stephen All That Summer She Was Mad: Virginia Woolf and Her Doctors (Junction Books, 1981)
Wagner-Martin, Linda Sylvia Plath: A Biography (Chatto & Windus, 1988 / Cardinal, 1990)
Webb, Beatrice B W Diary The Diary of Beatrice Webb vol. 4, 1924–1943, edited by Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie (London School of Economics / Virago Press, 1985)
Mrs Dalloway Definitive Collected Edition (Hogarth Press, 1990)
Orlando (Grafton Books, 1987)
‘On Being Ill’ in Collected Essays vol. 4 (Chatto & Windus, 1969)
‘Professions for Women’ in The Death of a Moth (Hogarth Press, 1942)
The Voyage Out (Granada, 1982)
The Waves (Hogarth Press, 1990)
‘Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid’ in The Death of the Moth (Hogarth Press, 1942)
Three Guineas Introduced by Hermione Lee (Hogarth Press, 1986)
To the Lighthouse (Hogarth Press, 1990)
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abbreviations used:
VW – Virginia Woolf
LW – Leonard Woolf
LS – Leslie Stephen
VB – Vanessa Bell
VSW – Vita Sackville-West
DNB – Dictionary of National Biography
Alexander Method
Asperger’s Syndrome
Beard, George
Bell, Angelica
Bell, Clive, Cambridge; proposals and marriage; Julian’s birth; Quentin’s birth; marriage deteriorates; relationship with VW; flirtation; jealousy of LW; Roger Fry; pacifism
Bell, Julian
Bell, Quentin
Bell, Vanessa, birth and early life; relationship with father; father’s death; Jack Hills affair; Thoby’s death; relationship with VW: mothering; strain of VW; mutual need; VW’s frigidity; pregnancy risk; Charleston; VB’s marriage; upset by VW; deteriorates; birth of Julian; birth of Quentin; Angelica; Roger Fry; Duncan Grant; Lytton Strachey; relationship with LW; depressions; Julian’s death; VW’s caring; opinion of 3 Guineas; The Waves; VW’s suicide
Berlioz, Hector
Between the Acts
Bevin, Ernest
Bipolar Affective Disorder (see manic depression)
Brooke, Rupert
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Brunswick Square
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Campbell, Mary
Carrington, Dora
Case, Janet
Chatto & Windus
Churchill, Sir Winston
Clifford, Sir Hugh
Cornhill Magazine
Cowper, William
Craig, Dr Maurice
cyclothymia, x; rapid cycling; causes; progress
Davidson, Angus
de Jong
depression; seasonal; post-natal (see also cyclothymia, manic depression, seasonal affective disorder, [SAD]); benefits
Dickinson, Goldsworthy (Goldie
Dickinson, Violet
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB)
Dreadnought Hoax
Duckworth, George; relationship with VW; death
Duckworth, Gerald
Duckworth, Herbert
Duckworth, Julia (see Stephen)
Duckworth, Stella; separation anxiety; marriage; death
Fabian Society
Fisher, Mary
Fitzroy Square
Foster, E. M.
Freud, Sigmund
Fry, Roger
Garnett, Angelica
Garnett, David
Grant, Duncan
Hambantota (Ceylon)
Head, Dr Henry
Herbert, Lady Margaret
Hills, Jack Waller
Hitler, Adolf
Hogarth House
Hogarth Press
Home Guard
Hunt, Holman
Hutchinson, Mary
Huxley, Aldous
Hyslop, Dr Theo
Jackson, Dr John
Jackson, Maria (Mia), early life; marriage; relationship with Julia; valetudinarian; rheumatoid arthritis, relationship with Leslie; death
Jacob’s Room
Jaffna (Ceylon)
James, Henry
Jamison, Kay
Kandy (Ceylon)
Kew Gardens
Keynes, Maynard
Labour Party
Lamb, Charles
Lansbury, George
Lawrence, D. H.
League of Nations
Lee, Sydney
Lehmann, John
Little Holland House
Little Talland House
Long Barn
Lopokova, Lydia
MacCarthy, Molly
MacDonald, Ramsay
madness; benefits
manic depression (and see cyclothymia) x; mixed; seasonal; rapid cycling; inheritance
Mansfield, Katherine
Martin, Kingsley
Matheson, Hilda
Mecklenburgh Square
lymbrosia (see The Voyage Out)
Memoir club
Monks House
Morley College
Moore, G. E.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline
Mosley, Sir Oswald
Mrs Dalloway
Mussolini, Benito
Nicolson, Sir Harold
Night & Day
Parsons, Ian
Parsons, Trekkie
Partridge, Ralph
Pattle (see Jackson, Maria)
Prinsep, Sarah
Prinsep, Thoby
Plath, Sylvia
psychosis (see madness)
Raverat, Jacques
Rendle, Dr Elly
Ritchie, Richmond
Ritchie, Anny
Robins, Elizabeth
Rodmell (see Monks House)
Room of One’s Own A
Round House
Ruskin, John
Russell, Bertrand
Sackville-West, Vita, meets VW; Knole; affair begins; Harold Nicolson; maternal protector; feelings for VW; Persia; France with VW; Berlin fiasco; affairs with: Mary Hutchinson; Mary Campbell; Margaret Voight; Hilda Matheson; relationship with LW; predicts his suicide; Hogarth Press; opinion of: Orlando; 3 Guineas, The Waves; VW’s suicide
Savage, Sir George
Schumann, Robert
Scott Fitzgerald, E.
Scott, Geoffrey
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Seducers in Ecuador
Seton, Dr David
Shaw, George Bernard
sleep (see insomnia)
Smith, George
Smyth, Ethel
Stephen, Adrian
Stephen, Caroline
Stephen, Fitzjames
Stephen, James
Stephen, Sir James
Stephen, Jem
Stephen, Jim, (cousin)
Stephen, Julia, birth and early life; Little Holland House; Thoby Prinsep; character; nursing; beauty; separation anxiety; woman’s duty; melancholia; married to Herbert Duckworth; children; atheism; married to Leslie Stephen; children; Laura; sexual life; DNB; exhaustion; Julia’s death
Stephen, Laura
Stephen, Sir Leslie, birth and early life; mother and substitutes; father; Cambridge; fellowship and priesthood; agnostic; mountaineering; Thackeray; her death; Laura; Anny Thackeray; second marriage to Julia; mother-in-law; Julia’s death; Stella Duckworth; Cornhill Magazine; DNB, depression; Inheritance; relationship with VW; and VB; death
Stephen, Thoby
Stephen, Vanessa (see Bell)
Stephen, Virginia (see Woolf)
Strachey, Alix
Strachey, James